My3 Therapeutic Services

Welcome to My3 Therapeutic Services

The role of therapeutic services is to support the assessment, management and coordination of care for each child, young person and adult living within My3 homes and houses. Therapeutic services offer our care teams the knowledge, resources and tools to provide excellent therapeutically led care.

Statement of Purpose

My3 Therapeutic Model & Process


Quality of Life- My3 aims to care and support each person to live a life worth living. Focused upon the physical, social, emotional and mental wellbeing of each person. Care planning is person-centred, with the input of those who know each person best, the child, young person or adult, families, schools, social workers and other professionals. Each person is respected, cared for and supported, their wellbeing and rights safeguarded.

Person-centred- Each person is at the centre of all care and support, where all care is planned around the individual. We understand every person has individual needs, likes & dislikes, values & beliefs. All care and support aims to enable each person to reach their full potential.


Skilled Teams- Therapeutic Services is responsible for supporting the assessment of individual care needs and identifying the appropriate care skills required to meet those needs. When required, therapeutic services will support care teams to access specialist training. Therapeutic services oversee all training competencies for our skilled care teams. Additionally, care teams are supported to develop understanding and engage in appropriate positive interventions via clinical consultations, reflective practice and care planning meetings.

Understanding- Therapeutic Services support care teams to develop a greater understanding of a person’s individual needs via assessment and formulation. Our team will engage, where appropriate, with each child, young person or adult, families, social workers, schools and other professionals to ensure a multi-disciplinary approach to our understanding and initial care plans. We recognise understanding a person’s needs is an ongoing and changing process. We support teams who consistently learn and adapt their approaches to care, via functional analysis, regular consultations, reflective practice sessions and engagement in care planning meetings


Safe & Effective- Internal and environmental safety is an important component of healthy development. We require a safe environment and safe relationships to grow, enabling development of sense of self, engagement in positive relationships and confidence to develop independence skills. We provide safe homes and houses and consider environmental needs of each person within assessment. As well as supporting risk assessment and care planning of positive risk taking. Regularly reviewing outcomes, as well as care planning for developing independence through our Passport to Independence framework. My3 care teams provide safe, appropriate relationships.

Each member of staff is caring, compassionate, and resilient, further supported through training, our staff wellbeing community hub, reflective practice and supervision.

Positive Interventions- Positive interventions stem from a proactive approach to intervention. Our care teams focus upon building positive relationships with each person. Utilising a PACE approach to therapeutic parenting, applying playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy to care. As well as utilising a PBS approach to challenging behaviours, supported by our PBS practitioners and coaches. Supporting developing independence though our passport to independence framework. Offering therapeutically led care; care underpinned by therapeutic approaches. Our therapies team may assess direct short-term, therapeutic skills interventions may be clinically appropriate; these can be delivered with multi-disciplinary team agreement. Alternatively, long term or interventions beyond the scope of therapeutic services will be advised to be sourced by local teams.


Prior to acceptance. Engagement in Impact Risk Assessment Identifying environment, training & individual needs.


Ongoing assessment, care planning, reflective practice & team consultations. Formulation complete by week 12.


Ongoing support of the provision of therapeutically led care. Consultation, reflective practice, supervision, care planning, staff training & direct short-term skills work*


Continuous learning and adaptation. Review of goals and outcomes.

Therapeutic Services

Statement of Purpose

The role of therapeutic services is to support the assessment, management and coordination of care for each child, young person and adult living within My3Limited homes and houses. Therapeutic services offer our care teams the knowledge, resources and tools to provide excellent therapeutically led care.

Therapeutic services support the identification and facilitation of appropriate training for our care teams. Ensuring care teams have the appropriate knowledge and skills to support individual needs. Additionally, care teams engage with our team of clinicians to consult on individual needs or behaviours. Our clinicians include a CBT Psychotherapist, Occupational Therapist, PBS coaches and practitioners. Clinicians will support functional analysis, assessment, and development of appropriate care team led interventions, which are regularly reviewed. Where required, clinicians will support care teams to engage with local services who provide interventions. As well as, offering regular reflective practise sessions, promoting our value of continuous learning and adaptation. Supporting a resilient, compassionate and empathetic care team who understand the individual needs of each person within our care. In addition, therapeutic services engaged in the assessment of social and physical environmental care needs. Identifying adjustments and adaptations required within each home or house, to meet the individual needs of each child, young person or adult.

Overall, it is the role of therapeutic services to support our skilled, competent and caring teams in the delivery of day-to-day care. To offer care, which is therapeutically underpinned, person centred, improving quality of life, maintaining safety, and increasing independence. Care which is regularly reviewed, to learn and develop new approaches. Supporting the physical, social, emotional and mental wellbeing of each child, young person and adult. As well, as supporting the wellbeing, resilience and positive culture within our care teams.

Case Study My3 Therapeutic Services