My3 CQC Services

CQC Services

My3 CQC services provides care and support to young adults and adults up to the age of 65, diagnosed with Autism, ADHD or learning disabilities. We support individuals to live within their own homes, we are registered to deliver personal care, and we offer domestic support. As a service we are focused upon supporting the highest quality of life for everyone, supporting developing independence skills and engagement in local community.

Statement of purpose Inspection Report

CQC | Our Principles

To focus on Young People. We aim to provide personal care and support in ways that attain positive outcomes for Young People and promote their active participation.

To ensure that we are fit for our purpose. We examine our operations constantly to ensure that we are successfully achieving our stated aims and purposes.
We will encourage and welcome feedback from our Young People and their friends and relatives.

To work for the comprehensive welfare of our Young People. We aim to provide for each service user a package of support that contributes to his or her overall personal and healthcare needs and preferences. We will co-operate with other services and professionals to help to maximise each individual’s independence and to ensure as fully as possible their maximum participation in the community.

To meet assessed needs. Before we provide services, we ensure that a potential service users’ needs and preferences are thoroughly assessed, either by one of our trained and experienced staff, or the Local Authority. We aim to ensure that the support provided is reassessed as frequently as necessary, and that we offer flexibility to respond to changing needs or requirements.

To provide quality services. We are whole-heartedly committed to providing high quality services and to continuously improve the support offered.

To employ a quality workforce. Standards for our managers and staff are based on the national occupational standards for support services for Young People.

We recognise every individual is different and unique, with individual needs and individual goals, which is why we provide person-centred care. We work collaboratively with our service users, families, local authorities and commissioning teams, to ensure the right support and right care is being delivered. With the support of our therapeutic services team, we offer a compassionate, informed, empathetic, skilled and resilient support team, who provide excellent quality of care.

CQC | Our Ethos

To provide high quality support and care, which is therapeutically underpinned.

To support our service uses to live within the community, delivering tenancy support, domestic services, personal care and enriching quality of life.

To support young people who are transitioning to adulthood, or adults who are developing independence skills. Utilising our passport to independence framework to assess and develop care plans to reach individual independence goals.

We promote high standards, using best practice and quality monitoring our My3 service provision within the supported living environment.

We believe that individual rights are paramount and as such we actively solicit views and beliefs and respect each person as an individual.

We provide a compassionate, empathetic, skilled and resilient support work team. Our support work teams engage in regular reflective practice, consultation with therapeutic clinicians, and care planning support from our therapeutic services.

My3 CQC Houses

My3 CQC houses are located accessible to local transport links, shopping, leisure centres and colleges. This enables our service users to develop in their independence skills, engage in their local community and develop interests and hobbies.

We assess the individual needs of each service user to match the right house to the right person. We encourage service users, families, social workers and advocates to view houses and make recommendations of changes and adaptations. To ensure each house becomes a home.

Passport to Independence

The Passport to Independence is a framework, it helps service users, carers, staff, and professionals supporting each individual to explore the knowledge and skills which will support them into adulthood and further independence.

There may be lots of knowledge and skills a person already has; some may need support with and some they haven’t yet begun to learn. Every person is different, with different abilities, different needs and different goals.

Staff will support each individual to develop a well-rounded base of knowledge and skills, such as:

  • Managing Money
  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Education, Training and Development
  • Housekeeping & Accommodation
  • General Life Skills
  • Being a citizen and Legal issues

As well as support to identify individual goals, and directly focus upon developing the knowledge and skills deemed important to support those goals and incorporate these into care planning.

For example, if an individual has a goal to attend an apprenticeship, staff will support them to identify the knowledge and skills they may need to engage in the apprenticeship. Staff may support to attend open days at college, open a bank account for wages, find transport routes and eventually travel independently. Goals may change, and that’s okay, staff will support to gain all the knowledge and skills to fulfil their potential.

Therapeutic Services

The role of therapeutic services is to support the assessment, management and coordination of care for each child, young person and adult living within My3Limited homes and houses. Therapeutic services offer our care teams the knowledge, resources and tools to provide excellent therapeutically led care.

My3 Theraputic services

My3 CQC Testimonials

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