My3 Therapeutic Team

Meet The Team

Dear Parents, Carers, Social Workers and Colleagues,

Introducing our therapeutic services team, each team member is dedicated to delivering a service which offers the foundations for My3 care teams to deliver caring, compassionate, therapeutically led care.

Kirsty Lucas-Smyth MSc, PgDip, BSc

Head of Therapeutic Services

I am a qualified CBT Psychotherapist, with a master’s degree in applied psychology and bachelor’s degree in psychology. I have over 10 years’ experience working in the care sector, including over 5 years of experience working within tier 4 services, supporting individuals with complex needs and behaviours of concern. As Head of Therapeutic Services, I oversee the development and implementation of therapeutic services. Supervising each clinician and homes managers, to ensure therapeutic services meets the needs of our children, young people, adults and care teams.

Caroline Pintar PgDip, BSc

Occupational Therapist

I have a postgraduate diploma in sensory integration and bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy, with over7 years of experience. I consult with the care teams and identify appropriate strategies, reviewing their implementation and outcomes. Where clinically appropriate I support the care teams to complete a sensory profile and recommend appropriate sensory integration techniques to support.

Mary Davidson MSc, BSc

Therapies Assistant

I have recently moved from SEN education to the social care sector. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Master of Science degree in the psychology of child development. Having worked for 3 years in an SEN primary school as a level 3 teaching assistant, I have gained valuable experience of working with children with ASD, ADHD, as well as complex medical needs. As a therapies assistant at My3, my role is to assist in the development of therapeutic services, from the point of referral to the creation of a resource library to support staff working with children and young people.

PBS Coaches & Practitioners

Our team of PBS coaches & practitioners champion upholding the values and principles of the PBS framework within each home and house. Enabling the understanding and use of positive proactive support strategies, via care team psychoeducation, training and care planning input. As well as supporting the assessment, identification and implementation of PBS plans.

Want to join the team?

We are always looking for ambitious, enthusiastic and entrepreuneurial people to join our team.

My3 Careers