Welcome to The Orchard | Ofsted Registered URN: 2648508

Stakeholder's welcome letter Statement of purpose Inspection Report

About The Orchard

The Orchard provides medium to long term residential care for up to 2 children aged 8-17, of any gender. We offer a range of support for children most notably autism, sensory processing issues and learning difficulties.

The Orchard is set within a semi-rural area of St Helens, within the larger Merseyside region.

The Orchard is a home where children and young people have the potential to thrive – living, learning and growing together.

The home will have infinite aspirations for all our children and young people and for those who support them.

We believe that no goal is too big and that all children and young people regardless deserve to have equal access to opportunities.

We have created a space where our children can grow and develop safely and feel valued.

We will encourage and enable young people to be free to fully express themselves as individuals – with their own unique needs, characteristics, and ambitions.

The Orchard Ethos

Our ethos is to be more than just a ‘residential setting.’ The Orchard aims to be a ‘home from home’ for the children and young people living here.

Questions about referrals, funding, and availability? Contact or Call:

The Orchard Testimonials